1. The fundamental idea behind Rose's enslavement/possession by Eve was inspired by "The Stone Rose," The Girl in the Fireplace, and the Star Trek episode "The Best of Both Worlds," in which Jean-Luc Picard is captured and assimilated into the Borg collective.
2. The galaxy the Helials are from, MGC 13-7-2, is a real galaxy. It's an elliptical galaxy about 68 million light years away, almost thirty times the distance between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy.
3. In the earliest outlines, "Eve of the Eternal" included Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 as characters, but in the end I couldn't quite fit them in, so I cut them. They're not very likely to appear in later stories, something I'm sad about, but they wouldn't have much purpose that couldn't already be fulfilled by UNIT or Torchwood.
4. In the original draft (not the one to appear on fanfiction.net), the Void Ship was built by the Eternals, who were intended to be the antagonists of The Perennials. But after some development, and after I'd seen a few episodes from the Tom Baker series featuring the Eternals, I found that they didn't quite fit what I had in mind. But then the idea of the Helials occurred to me, and I used that instead.
5. Series 3 and 4 are mostly the same as in Doctor Who, but Rose's fall into the Void, and the course of the series in future, required some small changes. Most importantly, in Series 4, none of the talk about disappearing planets occurred. Adipose 3 was destroyed by a supernova, and the Pyroviles at Pompeii were exiled from their planet, and so forth. There will be a lot of tense, exciting stories in future, but I will not pursue the same idea of the Daleks' reality bomb that Russell T. Davies did (mainly because I thought the idea pushed believability a bit too much).

6. Jackie and Mickey will appear later in the series. The Doctor will not escape unscathed. :)
7. Many thanks go to my mother and brothers for their help with The Perennials, much of which was the result of speculative conversation about Doctor Who, and what we think should have happened after Series 3.
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